Dr. Ritu Kapoor is the owner, founder and president of Imagitech Corporation and has been providing healthcare, research & development (R&D), and technology solutions in the Sterling, Virginia area for almost 19 years. She attended the University of Maryland, College Park where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. During that time and during graduate school, she has had many intern- and externships including doing research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, and the Katzen Eye Group in Baltimore, Maryland. After receiving her doctorate degree, she began her own practice as an independent doctor of optometry. She enjoyed both the clinical and research side of her business and leveraged her skills in optical research to develop new and innovative solutions for the government including safety glasses, lenses, and visors for military and laboratory staff. Also she quickly realized her clinical business needed information and software technology solutions in order to comply with Electronic Health Record (EHR) requirements, insurance claims processing, inventory tracking, website development, marketing, social media, etc. Utilizing some of the technology skills she learned as an intern, and her research background, she hired a software development team to not only design and implement a custom IT solution for her optometry practice but also help code and prototype her ideas on the research side. Soon after Imagitech Corporation was born and today provides not only healthcare IT but also R&D, software development, management consulting solutions for many other industries including Department of Defense (DoD), State of Virginia, US Army Corp of Engineers, and others. She continues to stay involved in the latest research, new technologies and in her local community.
Ravi “Ray” Kapoor, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer
Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering, Univ. of Virginia Charlottesville, VA
M.S. Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
B.S. Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Maryland (cum laude), College Park, MD
Dr. Kapoor has extensive background in modeling and simulation (M&S), High Performance Computing (HPC), signal/image/video processing, and algorithm development for a variety of scientific disciplines and sensors including synthetic aperture radar (SAR), RF/Microwave , Lidar, IR, Electro Optical (EO), Polarimetric Imaging (PI), Hyper Spectral Imager (HSI) and others. Proven ability to lead, develop and deliver technology solutions to a variety of customers (national and international) while effectively communicating results, status and concepts at meetings, conferences, and presentations. Managed many successful multi-million dollar programs and corporate technology portfolios resulting in improved efficiencies and results. Have more than 50 significant communications (journal articles, book chapters, reports and professional talks).
Dr. Kapoor was program manager for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) and the Titan HPC system located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). During his time at the OLCF, the Titan system made it to the rank of fastest computer in the world on the Top 500 list. It was the first Dept. of Energy (DOE) HPC to be a hybrid system of GPU’s and CPU’s. Along with OLCF staff, he helped successfully navigate through engineering challenges when developing such a large, hybrid system (over 18,000 nodes). TITAN is used extensively for Modeling & Simulation of many scientific disciplines (e.g. combustion, computational fluid dynamics, high energy physics, etc.).
Mr. Ventura has been in sales and marketing throughout his career. He has been working in various industries including optical equipment, medical devices/equipment, imaging equipment, and retail sales industry. He focuses on high quality customer interactions during and after the sales process to ensure the customer receives the best product, equipment, and accessories to fit their requirements. His excellent customer relations and knowledge of the services and products he sells has earned a reputation as an excellent sales manager and role model for other staff members. During his tenure he has consistently increased revenue while maintaining excellent customer satisfaction.